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Microsoft Word Mac Bullet Point Shortcut

Shortcut For Adding Bullet Point In Mac's Notes Application. Ask Question Asked 1 year, 10 months ago. Active 1 year, 10 months ago. Viewed 8k times 3. Does anyone know if there is a way I can start a bullet point list in the updated Notes app that comes with the MacOS with a keyboard shortcut that looks. I know that in Microsoft Word the.

  1. Microsoft Word Mac Bullet Point Shortcut Google Docs
  2. Microsoft Word Mac Bullet Point Shortcut Excel
  3. Bullet Point Shortcut Word Mac

Bullets are the easy way to write your opinion point by point. There are many different ways to insert bullets on your Windows and Mac documents. In this article, let us explore all possible ways to insert bullets in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and also on Pages, Keynote and Numbers.

Since I installed Office 2010, I’ve found that, while typing a document in Word, I have a scrolling problem. When the text I’m typing has filled the page, the page doesn’t quite scroll up in time, if you see what I mean, and the bottom line (which is ofcourse the one I’m typing on) is partly obscured by the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the Word page.This is annoying, as I can't see what I’m typing properly, so I have to hit a few times to move my text up the page.I’m guessing it’s a Word problem, as I used to have Office XP on this machine, and it didn’t happen then. Scrolling word search app. I’m using an HP Pavilion dv6 laptop, Windows 7, automatic updates enabled, video driver latest version.Anything else I could look at, or any ideas please?Thanks.

Types of Bullets

You can use different styles of bullets for different purposes:

  • Symbols – generally bullet point symbols are used for unordered list
  • Numbers – use numbers for ordered list with counts
  • Letters – similar to ordered list, with letters instead of numbers
  • Custom images – small images in front of the sentences and aligned properly
  • Font icons – generally used on web documents for showcasing

As you can see, above bullet points are useful to put our content in a simple way.

Inserting Bullets in Windows Documents

Follow one of the below instructions to insert bullets in Windows based documents.

#1 – Insert from Paragraph Group

The easy and common way is to insert a bullet from the “Home” menu under “Paragraph” group. You can choose unordered, numbered or multilevel bullet list. https://yellowpay439.weebly.com/download-adobe-illustrator-crack-free-mac.html.

If you don’t like the existing bullet options, then click on the small arrow in the bullets / numbering / multilevel list. Choose “Define New….” Option. You can choose symbol, picture or font as your bullet.

  • Click on “Symbol” button to the popup showing many special symbols. Change the “Font” to Windings and find more beautiful bullet symbols for you.
  • Let’s say you want to use clubs symbol used in cards suit as your bullet. Choose “Clubs” symbol from the list.
  • Click OK to apply your changes.
  • You will see the clubs symbol appears in the bullets dropdown.
  • Choose the clubs symbol from the bullet and start using on your document.

Note: Use tab to create threaded bullets with indentation. Word will create a new bullet symbol for each indent to show it different.

#2 – AutoFormat Options


Word and PowerPoint documents has an AutoCorrect option to insert bullets automatically. For example, type 1 then . and press space to create a numbered bulleted list. Similar to numbered list, you can also use other symbols like hyphen or letters to insert bullets. For example, type hyphen and press spacebar to create a bullets with hyphen. You will see the AutoCorrect options when you type like this.

Choose “Control AutoFormat Options” to change the settings, if you don’t want Word, Outlook or PowerPoint to create bullets automatically.

#3 – Alt Code Keyboard Shortcuts

Microsoft Word Mac Bullet Point Shortcut Google Docs

The above two methods are the correct way to insert bullets. Because it will create bullets for each new line automatically. However, if you want to manually create bullets for few lines then you can use alt code shortcuts for this purpose. Below are some of the bullets shortcuts which you can use for typing bullets.

  • Use the alt key and the decimal number keys from numeric pad.
  • Alternatively, type the hex code then alt and x keys on Word documents.
DecimalHexBullet Description
Alt + 82262022Bullet
Alt + 82272023Triangle Bullet
Alt + 82592043Hyphen Bullet
Alt + 8268204CBlack Leftwards Bullet
Alt + 8269204DBlack Leftwards Bullet
Alt + 87292219Bullet Operator
Alt + 968825D8Inverse Bullet
Alt + 970225E6White Bullet
Alt + 97532619Reversed Rotated Floral Heart Bullet
Alt + 100852765Rotated Heavy Black Heart Bullet
Alt + 100872767Rotated Floral Heart Bullet
Alt + 1068629BECircled White Bullet
Alt + 1068729BF⦿Circled Bullet
Alt + 967925CFBlack Circle Bullet

#4 – Insert Bullets on Microsoft Excel Worksheet

Bullets are meant for text documents and not for number processing software like Excel. However, if you want to add bullets in the Excel worksheet cell, the simple option is to type on Word and copy the content. Microsoft remote desktop connection manager for mac.

Microsoft Word Mac Bullet Point Shortcut Excel

  • On your Excel, double click on a cell and past the bulleted list.
  • You can also manually use symbols like asterisk * and add bullets.
  • Press “Alt + Enter” inside a cell to create a new line.
  • Remember not to use hyphens as bullets as Excel will show formula error when you start a cell with hyphen.

Bullet Point Shortcut Word Mac

Inserting Bullets in Mac Documents

#1 – Insert from Menu

On Mac documents with Pages or Keynote, you can insert bullets from the formatting sidebar. Select text or image bullet and choose the type to insert.

#2 – Assigning Keyboard Shortcuts for Bullets in Pages

When you choose the bullet type, click on the small arrow at the end. Choose “Shortcut” option and select the function key for the bullet.

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After setup your shortcut, press Fn + F1 to F8 key to insert the corresponding bullet symbol.

#3 – Using Hyphens

Similar to Windows documents, you can also type hyphen to insert bullets on Pages and Keynote. However, the difference in Mac is that you need to type the content and press enter key to create a bulleted list.

#4 – Option or Alt Code Shortcuts

Use alt or option code shortcuts to insert bullet symbols in Mac. Hold option key and type the hex code in the above table to produce bullet symbols. In order to use this, you should have enabled Unicode Hex Input method as your keyboard input. For example, Option + 25CF will produce black circle bullet like ●.

Best free bpm analyzer mac. 104 Shortcuts for Microsoft Power Point 2016 (MacOS/ English)

1. Editing text and objects
DeleteDelete one character to the left
Function+DeleteDelete one character to the right
+XCut selected text or object
+CCopy selected text or object
+VPaste cut or copied text or object
+Ctrl+VPaste special
+Shift+>Increase the font size
+Shift+<Decrease the font size
+BApply bold formatting
+UApply an underline
+IApply italic formatting
+ECenter a paragraph
+JJustify a paragraph
+LLeft align a paragraph
+RRight align a paragraph
+YRedo the last action
+ZUndo the last action
+TOpen the Format Text dialog box, Font options
+Option+MOpen the Format Text dialog box, Paragraph options
Option+Arrow LeftTo Move To the beginning of a word or one word to the left
Option+Arrow RightTo Move One word to the right
+Arrow RightTo Move To the end of a line
+Arrow LeftTo Move To the beginning of a line
Option+Arrow UpTo Move To the beginning of a paragraph or up one paragraph
Option+Arrow DownTo Move Down one paragraph
+Arrow Up/Arrow DownTo Move To the start or end of all the text in the object you are editing

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2. Working with objects
TabSelect the next object
Shift+TabSelect the previous object
+ASelect all objects and all text
Arrow Keys or +Arrow KeyMove the selected object in the direction of the arrow
+Option+GGroup the selected objects
+Option+Shift+GUngroup the selected objects
+Option+JRegroup the selected objects
Option+Arrow RightRotate the selected object clockwise
Option+Arrow LeftRotate the selected object counterclockwise
+Shift+1Format the selected object
+DDuplicate selected objects
Shift+Arrow KeysResize selected objects

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3. Presentations
+NCreate a new presentation
+Shift+PCreate a new presentation with a template from the PowerPoint Presentation gallery
Ctrl+M or +Shift+NInsert a new slide
+- (Minus Sign)Zoom out
++Zoom in
+Shift+DMake a copy of the selected slide
+OOpen a presentation
+WClose a presentation
+PPrint a presentation
+SSave a presentation
+Shift+SSave a presentation with a different name, location, or file format.
+QQuit PowerPoint
+FFind text and formatting
+KAdd a hyperlink to selected text, an image, or an object
ESCCancel a command, such as Save As
+ZUndo an action
+YRedo or repeat an action
+~Move through multiple open presentations.
+Shift+OOpen a recent file

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This is a 1:10 dilution.Example 1What is the dilution factor if you add 0.2 mL of a stock solution to 3.8 mL of diluent?#Vf# = 0.2 mL + 3.8 mL = 4.0 mL#DF = Vi/Vf# = #(0.2'mL')/(4.0'mL') = 1/20#. Serial dilutions practice problems pltw. This is a 1:20 dilution.Example 2If you did the above dilution four times, what would be the final dilution factor?Solution 2Remember that serial dilutions are always made by taking a set quantity of the initial dilution and adding it successively to tubes with the same volume.

4. Changing views
+1Switch to normal view
+2Switch to slide sorter view
+3Switch to notes page view
+4Switch to outline view
+Shift+ReturnSwitch to slide show
+Ctrl+FSwitch to full screen (hide menus)
Option+ReturnSwitch to presenter view
+Option+Ctrl+GShow or hide guides
+Option+2 or Shift+(click Slide Sorter View)Switch to handout master view
+Option+1 or Shift+(click Normal View)Switch to slide master view
+Option+3Switch to notes master view

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5. Selecting text
Shift+Arrow RightTo Select One character to the right
Shift+Arrow LeftTo Select One character to the left
Shift+Arrow UpTo Select From the insertion point to the same point one line up
Shift+Arrow DownTo Select From the insertion point to the same point one line down
+Shift+Arrow LeftTo Select All text to the start of the line
+Shift+Arrow RightTo Select All text to the end of the line
Shift+Option+Arrow DownTo Select From the insertion point to the end of the paragraph
Shift+Option+Arrow UpTo Select From the insertion point to the beginning of the paragraph

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6. Slide shows
You can use the following keyboard shortcuts while running your slide show in full-screen mode, with or without the presenter view. TIP: You can press the / key during a slide show to see a list of keyboard shortcuts.
N , Page Down , Arrow Right , Arrow Down , or the SPACEBAR (or click the mouse button)Perform the next animation or advance to the next slide
P , Page Up , Arrow Left , Arrow Up , or DeleteReturn to the previous animation or return to the previous slide
The number of the slide that you want to view, and then press ReturnGo to slide number
B or .Display a black screen, or return to the slide show from a black screen
W or ,Display a white screen, or return to the slide show from a white screen
+Shift+ ReturnPlay slide show from the first slide
+ReturnPlay slide show from the current slide
ESC or +. or +-End a slide show
EErase on-screen annotations
HGo to next hidden slide if the next slide is hidden
+PRedisplay hidden pointer and/or change the pointer to a pen
+ARedisplay hidden pointer and/or change the pointer to an arrow
Ctrl+HHide the pointer on mouse move
Hold down Ctrl and click the mouse buttonDisplay the contextual menu
+Option+Ctrl+RShow Thesaurus entry for a selected word
+Option+Ctrl+LShow Smart Lookup entry for a selected word or phrase
Option+ReturnSwitch to presenter view

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7. Working in tables
TabMove to the next cell
Shift+TabMove to the preceding cell
Arrow DownMove to the next line or row
Arrow UpMove to the preceding line or row
ReturnStart a new paragraph in a cell
Tab at the end of the last rowAdd a new row at the bottom of the table

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8. Windows and dialog boxes
+WClose the active window
ReturnPerform the action assigned to a default button in a dialog box
ESCCancel a command and close the dialog box
+HHide the current window
+MMinimize the current window

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